Monday, September 29, 2008

Why are adults stinkier than kids?

Humans are a collection of wondrous and different odours! When humans reach their long-awaited adolescence, they begin to stink in entirely new and even stinkier ways! All over your skin – the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands, your forehead – you have small pores that ooze sweat from glands underneath the skin. Why? Because sweat is the wonderful natural air conditioning that keeps animals like you humans cool. So, what happens to the sweat? Some gets evaporated quickly, and some sits around long enough for bacteria to begin to gather. These microscopic living things just love to munch on dead skin cells and some of the ingredients in sweat. Sometimes, mould, fungus and other microbes decide to join them and cause stinky shoes, stinky feet and stinky humans. Now when humans reach adolescence, they begin a second kind of sweat.

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